NeuralFit Training

The Phoenix Waveform and Neural Fit

Therapy for chronic and complex pain syndromes, sports injuries and enhanced athletic performance.

CRPS Complex regional pain syndrome Phoenix waveform ARPwave Therastim

The nervous system controls every muscle and joint movement. When you train the nervous system everything is better.

It’s not big muscle do not make you throw faster or run faster. The reason someone can run faster, jump higher or is more athletic is because their brain and nervous system is better.

Traditional exercise, therapy and rehabilitation often fail to achieve results because, they are not treating the true origin of the pain or injury and/or they are not reconnecting the brain to the muscles and joints.

Muscle inhibition, over activation and muscle compensation are major causes of chronic and re-occurring injuries and pain.

    If Muscle inhibition, over activation or muscle compensation exists and you not also neurological treating the the body, you may just be reinforcing bad or improper movement patterns and muscle compensation.

Our technology and methods treat the origin of then pain then re-educates and enhances the neuromuscular connection allowing the right muscles to fire and do the movements they were intended to do.

When the source of the pain has been eliminated and the brain and muscles a sending the right signals to each other the result is often faster injury recovery, relief from chronic pain and reoccurring injuries and even a faster or stronger athlete. It’s not bigger muscles that makes someone faster or a better athlete, it’s a more efficient neuromuscular system.

The goal of our methods…upgrade your neuromuscular system and unlock your body’s true potential.

    Therastim Phoenix Waveform


The Phoenix Waveform causes deep muscle contraction but still allows full active range of motion. Eccentric training, strong muscle contractions by the Phoenix then lengthening the muscles through specific mobility protocols are integral the Neural Fit Performance and Recovery methods.

Most injuries are caused because your body can not absorb the forced placed on the muscle or joint.

For this reason we now need to train the nervous system and muscles to absorb force when it is applied. Failure to do this will likely result in a re-injury.
The Neural Fit System methods involve muscle activation and muscle loosening with the goal of increase in mobility and muscle activation thereby reducing the possibilities of non-contact injuries during events or training.
Therastim Phoenix Waveform

Neural Fit Performance Training Systems and how we use the Phoenix Waveform 


ARPwave Therastim Phoenix Waveform

Therastim Phoenix waveform

 “A Phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor and is cyclically regenerated or reborn.”

Recovery And Performance Management For Athletes And Their Families

Neural Fit Performance Training is a system that focuses on optimizing the movement and function of the muscles and nervous system. Modalities such as deep electric muscle stimulation while taking the muscles through eccentric movements is used along with nutrition, Heart Rate Variability, supplementation, lifestyle and exercise recommendations are used to build stronger, more optimized connections between your brain and muscles, with the goal of enhancing recovery, performance and activities of daily living.

Neural Fit Recovery is a system that first focuses on injury prevention and faster healing and recovery by using cutting-edge modalities, Heart Rate Variability, nutrition, Exercise With Oxygen Therapy, nutrition and supplement coaching   

These training methods are designed to help people of all ages and abilities RISE UP, achieve amazing results and become the person or athlete they have always wanted to be.

 Neural Fit Training System is an AFFORDABLE breakthrough in sports therapy, rehabilitation and sports performance. Similar waveforms and training methods, until now, have been priced out of most people’s range. 

The Phoenix Waveform causes deep muscle contraction but still allows full active range of motion. Eccentric training, strong muscle contractions by the Phoenix then lengthening the muscles through specific mobility protocols are integral the Neural Fit Performance and Recovery methods.

Goals of the Neural Fit Training System:

Preform better.

Recover faster. 

Allow your muscles to absorb  and deliver more force and power.

Reduce likelihood of injury.

Achieve maximum results with minimal training.

Gain strength without putting pressure on your joints. 

Train harder, even after your muscles have fatigued.

Rehabilitate chronic or reoccurring injuries.

Improve your flexibility and mobility.

.Eccentrically train your muscles.

Enhance muscle activation.


Used by members of the NFL, CFL, NCAA Football, NCAA Track & Field, American Ninja Warrior, USA Triathlon

Therastim Phoenix Waveform


An email from one of our happy Phoenix Waveform clients:

“Jeff! What is happening man. This is the 2nd day in a row where I was panting and out of breath and looked down and running faster then I have in a long time l. My lower body is acclimating extremely well to the Phoenix Wave.”

“I am sold. This is rock star status.” – Tony, Ironman and Marathon Athlete

Other electrotherapy modalities enable patients to temporarily feel better while using their machine; however, because the penetration and characteristic waveform may not be sufficient, there are few long-term results.
“In our practice we have found that Phoenix Waveform and Neural Fit Training System is an effective too for identifying painful trigger points which are often found away from where the client is actually feeling the pain (know as referred pain). For example, a person may be experiencing knee pain but the knee pain is actually referred pain coming from a trigger in the quadriceps. Just treating the knee will likely not resolve this person’s knee pain.”
“We use the Phoenix to seek out these trigger points, then treatment can be applied to the referring trigger point, which believe many times is the actual origin of the pain or problem. We then place the pads over the hot spots and have the client go through specific motions, in our office we have seen great results “releasing” or freeing up these trigger points.”-Dr Jeff Banas



(The blue dot is the trigger point (the origin on the pain) and the red is the referred pain.) 
In the Neural Fit System we use the Phoenix Waveform while the client is in full range of motion. Based on our experience movement directs the Phoenix Waveform to the point of injury much more effectively than when the client is in a stationary position. Muscles are now allowed to contract and go through eccentric (lengthening the muscles while they are contracting) motions while being stimulated, allowing almost instant increase in ranges of motion.
ARPwave Therastim Phoenix Waveform
If you train your nervous system, you will likely have less pain, better range of motion, improve you activities daily living and if trying to do so, also improve and enhance your athletic abilities.

Train your neuromuscular system to absorb force and enhance the neuromuscular connection.  

ARPwave Therastim Phoenix Waveform 

 The strength and mobility protocols helped  me set a new USA Shot Put Record. Jason Rodie, Paralympic Athlete (cerebral palsy)

Neuromuscular Retraining to “Re-set” and enhance the neuromuscular connection activating and lengthening muscles while balancing the neuromuscular system.

Enhance and optimize neuromuscular response during exercise and training your body to absorb force.


Rise Up With The Phoenix Waveform And Unlock Your Body’s True Potential!

Take control of your own health..


“A little background on me: retired 74 year old, physically active with weights and playing basketball.  I work a part-time job that requires physical exertion.”

“Over the years I have had a lot of nagging injuries that would go away and then come back.  Since using the Phoenix Wave most I have seen improvement in almost all of the discomfort.  The tennis elbow has decreased significantly.  I have avoided surgery for a pinched ulnar nerve.  With taking the supplements recommended and using the Phoenix Wave, I am seeing a decrease of the intermittent pain associated with only 20% cartilage of the knee medial meniscus left.”

“I would wholehearted recommend the Phoenix Wave to anyone who has chronic injuries and anyone who is recovering from torn muscles and/or ligaments, not to mention any strain or sprain.” -JC

Therastim Phoenix Waveform Arpwave
The Phoenix Waveform and electric stimulation device unlike the majority of  EMS modalities on the market today.

As a 9-time Ironman Triathlon Finisher, I know what pain, muscle fatigue and a ton of inflammation feels like. Here is my personal experience using the Phoenix Wave after a 24 hr, 26-28 mile obstacle course race.

“It’s like a mobile upgraded Therastim.”- Dr. Jeff Banas

Therastim Phoenix Waveform

(for those of you who know what that is)


Dr Jeff Banas with his son Jordan Banas after Ironman AZ

Arpwave Therastim Phoenix Waveform

“Finished the Ironman training LESS than 10 hours a week.”– Dr. Jeff Banas

Copyright 2019
Individual results may vary.
Consult your physician or health care provider and follow all safety instructions before beginning any new exercise program, especially if you are pregnant, or have any medical condition. The contents on our website are for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical, legal, or any other type of professional advice. Read the Globus and Phoenix Training Manual Fully before using the EMS unit. Results will vary depending on the individual, personal health status, performance goals, and proper use of the device.    Terms of Service, Disclaimer, & Privacy Policy                                                                                                              Copyright 2018 Dr Jeff Banas

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