Acupuncture May Help Treat Insomnia
Acupuncture May Help Treat Insomnia by John Seim (NaturalNews) Auricular acupuncture, or ear acupuncture, may be effective for treating insomnia,…
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Dr. Jeff Banas – Gilbert, AZ
Acupuncture May Help Treat Insomnia by John Seim (NaturalNews) Auricular acupuncture, or ear acupuncture, may be effective for treating insomnia,…
Acupuncture Proven to Prevent Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting by Dave Gabriele (NaturalNews) According to a 2009 review from The Cochrane…
Acupuncture Reduces Post-Surgery Pain While Reducing Need for Pain Drugs by David Gutierrez, staff writer (NaturalNews) Acupuncture may reduce the…
Acupuncture Works Better Than Drugs for Treating Hot Flashes by David Gutierrez, staff writer (NaturalNews) Acupuncture outperformed one of the…
Az Medical Acupuncture Acupuncture Proven Effective At Treating Post-operative Nausea Acupuncture proven effective at treating post-operative nausea; but modern medicine…
Medical Acupuncture Medical Acupuncture Ear acupuncture eases back pain in pregnant women by E. Huff, staff writer (NaturalNews) The September…
Acupuncture Treats Peripheral Neuropathy by Melissa Sokulski (NaturalNews) Neuropathy, or Peripheral Neuropathy, is defined as having numbness, tingling or pain…
Acupuncture works to treat lazy eye by David Gutierrez, staff writer (NaturalNews) Acupuncture works as well at treating lazy eye…
Acupuncture produces amazing results in reversing infertility by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor (NaturalNews) Of all the available…
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